Random Text ist random, Soundwords sind ein wenig lieblos eingefügt worden (aufgrund der Uhrzeit XD" *will schlafen*) und Speedlines / Raster fehlen komplett... aber ist ja auch nur Just for Fun, also passts!
Ich liebe die Seite trotz ihrer Fehlerchen irgendwie sehr! X)
Ende 2. Semester und mein "Visual Development"-Elective ist damit vorrüber! Die Ergebnisse dieses Kurses wollte ich gerne mit euch teilen, weswegen ich die Bilder, die in den verschiedenen Aufgaben entstanden sind, für euch zusammengefasst hier hochlade 'u'
Auf der Mediale 2012 dieses Jahr in Darmstadt fand ein Game Contest statt. Dieser ging über 2 Tage und forderte von seinen Teilnehmern die Umsetzung eines Spieles oder Character-Design-Concepts zu einem vorgegebenen Thema. Wie man sich denken kann habe ich daran teilgenommen (da die Mediale von meiner FH organisiert wird und Teilnehmer gebraucht wurden) und versucht das Thema "Die Götter müssen verrückt sein" umzusetzen.
Das hier ist mein Beitrag den ich in einer Stunde vor einer Jury mitsamt dahinterliegendem Game-Concept präsentieren muss >u< Ich hoffe sehr, nicht allzuschlecht abzuschneiden, da ich mir mit dem Guten hier viel Arbeit hatte (und wer gewinnt nicht gerne Sachpreise alá XBox 360 und diverse Games? XD). Drückt mir die Daumen!
BTW, ich bin auch auf der Dokomi dieses Wochenende- Schaut mal vorbei (auch wenn sich mein Sortiment immernoch nicht erweitert/verändert hat freue ich mich trotzdem immer über Besuch |'3)! Es gibt wieder ne Tombola mit BlackRoseRena & Yaa bei der ihr originale A4-Copic-Bildchens von uns gewinnen könnt. ♥
<3 The newest picture you can see here, is a collaboration with Near. It tooks a damn long time to finish this piece, but now it's done and both of us are very happy about it.
The characters belong to Favena (Animexx). We felt very sorry 'cause we needed so much time for your con-hon entry. We decided to suprise you with an full-colored A4 artwork instead. Hopefully you'll like this picture of your ocs ♥
The original is a water-color drawing. First time Near and I really tried to colorate such a big picture with this medium, but I think it worked out very, very well :)
Thanks to all who are still watching this blog, even if there aren't that much posts atm.
Last night I got the feeling that I've to draw something and at least I did. This time I wanted to draw something digital in Painttool Sai. I'm not that pleased with the result, but I think it could have been worser °w°
Kanjiro & Lan
The following video is another university project. We have to create an small animatic to the theme "unexpeted". Here you can watch the movie which my group created for this topic :)
Nah, just joking, but I really have had a lot of stuff to do in the last time... bah! One last exam next week, another presentation, but than: HOLIDAYS (or something like this).
Well, I hope you hadn't forget about me and my blog, 'cause I'm really worried about losing this part of my virtuel life (since it becomes that important for me over the last years QuQ"). Atm it's not very easy for me to create new stuff or just think about working on BBS or create a few artworks, 'cause there's so much stuff to think about! At this point: A big SORRY to everyone who's still waiting for something (like Kakaos, Letters, Pictures.... OTL)!
I always want to get all this stuff done to concentrate on my personal work, but instead I get the feeling that this huge load of work is growing and growing and growing and everybody in the internet becomes mad about me ;___;" (which I can understand! I hate myself for this, too....)
But well.. since my blog should be a blog with a log of images (or at least one picture per post) I picked a few of the less drawings, I did for/during university. Hopefully you enjoy them, even if they aren't that stunning.
For the beginning a short Stop-Motion-Animation I did with my Workshop Group a few weeks ago. We were split into groups of 2~3 students to build puppets of own characters and create a short Movie. For this we were allowed to use everything of background-decoration we can find (the workshop tooks place in a real Stop-Motion studio, so it was easy to find stuff for our set. BTW: We worked shoulder on shoulder with the creators to the "Sandman" and it was very exciting!)
In the End this short movie was created by me and my group and I'm very pleased with the result (also thanks to some other co-students who helped us during their break! :3).
This animation isn't meant to be taken serious. It's a "Just for Fun"-Production. (^_^)
And as promised: Some sketchie pencil scraps, too!