Today I scanned most of the stuff that was drawn during the last weeks and hosted in my sketchbook. 'cause I always draw any other character more often than aishiro -who's the maincharacter and also a mascot- I decided to put more of him on this site.
Some pictures were overpainted with photoshop, 'cause I like the combination that much! <3

This one is also one of my favs. The expression came out as well as I wanted and his lil' wings are very cute (at least I'm thinking they are :3)

This lil' guy was drawn in university during the animation course and I like him very much. He's supposed to look like the tiny version of Shouthus, but he's an completly different character :)
And no: He don't like roses. I only want to draw them
The last character on this picture belongs to Near. He's called Nate as you can see and Shou is something like... very... very... VERY... addicted to him °___° Their characteristics don't fit together, but I like the idea of them being by the side of each other.
At this point: Thank you very much, my dear followers, for looking at my stuff and watching this blog. ♥
MFG, der Postbote
Gnaaaaaah! Das sind so WUNDERVOLLE Skizzen! EHRLICH! EINFACH NUR TOTAL MAWINGA!!!! >/////<
AntwortenLöschenIch LIEBE Aishiro! (*schwärm* so'n schönes Design)