Some of you may know this lil' cutie-pie from animexx; Others will never had heard something of it before.

(normally the background is transparent)
Bagia is the prevolution of LUGIA. It's a fakemon, don't try to get it in the game, dudes. Better try to get a 'ticket to paradise', where Bagia is waiting for the arrival of the chosen one...

AH! And pls, feed my lil' babies. They would be very happy about some level-up:
Der Postbote
(execlusively for all the watchers of my sketchblog- You'll get the password for bagia first of all: chosenone - I would be very happy if you leave a short comment after you adopted one bagia... or two.)
Es ist so niedlich! >///<
AntwortenLöschen*gleich eines adoptieren musste*